The MASAI Platform is a web-platform to assess critical infrastructures and residential buildings conditions (e.g., hospitals, schools and roads infrastructure) in crisis regions, taking advantage of remote sensing processing techniques on both SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) and Optical VHR (Very High Resolution).



The MASAI WebGIS platform integrates 2 modules:

  1. a wide-ranging screening of the more affected areas in terms of damage level to infrastructures through an interferometric SAR and coherence analysis,
  2. a higher spatial resolution analysis on the areas prioritised by the SAR screening phase, through VHR optical images, exploiting change detection AI (Artificial Intelligence) algorithms.



The platform allows the:

  1. identification of damaged areas during the humanitarian crisis and post-conflict, thanks to the comparison of the pre-emergency territory,
  2. assessment of damaged infrastructures and buildings,
  3. appraisal of the increase trend in damage in the time interval among subsequent satellite images,
  4. estimation of the potential number of potential displaced people in need of assistance.



Click here to access the MASAI WebGIS platform demo.
Demo of MASAI (MASAI – Map for Damage Assessment with Satellite Artificial Intelligence) tool.